Clothing and Food for Everyone

Serving the Underserved

SINCE 2009

C.A.F.F.E means Clothing and Food For Everyone. We are a volunteer-based group whose purpose and mission is to provide the basic necessities to the less fortunate and homeless in our community.

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How we do it

We show up every Sunday at Cesar Chavez Park in Sacramento at 8am to serve food to 200-250 neighbors food and provide clothing. Over 400 volunteers provide donations and direct, hands-on support by making and serving food and organizing donations for folks to access. Rain or shine, no matter what since 2009. It’s that simple. Though, if it does rain, you can find us at City Hall.

We need your support!

We can’t do this without our volunteers and donors. Join us in helping our neighbors who need it most. Call  or complete this form to learn more about how to best serve those in need and sign up for scheduled hours. Community service-work hours are available for students.

As a 4th grader at the California Montessori Project, Luis created a GoFund Me and raised over $1,000 for CAFFE. He then volunteered to shop for and serve his neighbors.

Follow the money

100% of donations go directly to feeding and clothing our unhomed neighbors. We’re not here to make a profit – this is a humanitarian effort to restore some love and gratitude to our community and neighbors.


© 2019-2024 All Rights Reserved CAFFE Sacramento

Volunteer Interest Form

Drop Off Supplies

The following donations are accepted Tuesday – Saturday from 9-5pm by calling (916) 799-6652.


  • Bottled Water
  • Snacks (non-perishable)
  • Coffee
  • Cookies
  • Gum
  • Mints


  • Socks
  • Walking Shoes
  • Jackets
  • Shirts
  • Jeans
  • Sweatshirts
  • Sweatpants


  • Toothpaste
  • Toothbrushes
  • Razors
  • Deodorant
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Tissue


  • Blanket
  • Sleeping Bags
  • Backpacks
  • Scarves
  • Gloves
  • Hats
  • Sunblock